Yifiy murder set pieces
Yifiy murder set pieces

yifiy murder set pieces

Joe's delusional world view is illustrated with segments that blur fantasy and reality. His interplay with his mother is also kind of funny and I suppose is a jokey take on the stereotypical mother-fixated psychopaths from these types of movies. Spinell is a good enough actor to make, what could easily be a very unlikable character, sympathetic. Much of that is down to lead actor Joe Spinell who plays the deranged taxi driver. There is a definite comic feel to this one. Sure, it has the usual slasher ingredients – lots of gory violence and lots of semi-nude girls – but overall the tone is quite different. However, it's hardly typical of that genre. On the face of it this is one of the many films from the early 80's slasher cycle. He travels to Cannes to convince her to star in the movie he fantasises he is going to direct. Reviewed by Red-Barracuda 6 / 10 A slasher with a sense of humourĪ taxi driver is dangerously obsessed by a horror movie actress.

Yifiy murder set pieces